You Can Tell a Lot About a Place By Visiting a Cemetery
How a community takes care of its dead says a lot to me.
I’ve visited many cemeteries, it’s kind of a hobby of mine.
I feel at peace with the dead.
They no longer have to worry about things or be troubled by the news of the day, they are dead, sleeping as they wait for God.
Kathy and I went on a 9.5 mile run around the hills and valleys near our home.
This is our new neighborhood and I haven’t done a lot of running since we left Oregon.
I used to be 16 to 24 miles a week so today was awesome.
When I saw the cemetery sign I said “Kathy we probably need to stop and look.” We did and met two of the caretakers Craig and Bill.
Bill knows every tombstone, every name and he was there today mapping out a site for a new…..”rester”?
I was running without my shirt on and Craig said “you know there’s a sign on the gate that says no shirt no service?” He went on to say “ we won’t be able to bury you today.” I love this place. People still tease and laugh and so far don’t get offended very easily.
They give you the benefit of the doubt that you are here to do good and welcome you with open arms.
Oh, and they never ask you about your politics or who you voted for or about your opinion.
Then Craig told me he was on a county board looking for solutions to growth, housing issues and how to keep Townsend from being swallowed up by development and at the same time allowing people to move here. I smiled at Kathy. Craig said we’re always looking for outsiders with a fresh perspective to come be a part of this. We really need the help. He wrote down his name and number on a piece of paper so I can call him.
I’ve long believed there is a God and that god is guiding us here and there as he lays out his plan for His people. I don’t know what any of this leads to I just know we were supposed to take a detour today to meet a couple of great people as our roots sink in just a little deeper.
It is so refreshing to live in a place where hope, inclusion and community are not just slogans and empty words but encouraged behavior, almost expected behavior.
Yes, you really can tell a lot about a community by the way they care for the living and the dead.