We’re A lot Like A Pig

I believe we are in the midst of a great awakening.
We are at a crossroads as a nation, as a culture and as a world.
We’ve experienced what happens when you give government too much authority over our lives.
That was the beginning of the end and now we have to figure out how to dismantle and rebuild at the same time.
Change is hard for all of us but when you see too much that fails to add up, there is noway you can turn back.
Anytime there’s change people will go too hard and too far but that’s okay.
We will make mistakes but the alternative is to sink deeper into a pit of decay so we move forward.
I hear some scream for caution but it is because they fear the unknown and are being told the sky is falling.
The sky is not falling, the world is in a giant reboot but not the reset destroyers are hoping for.
When our boys raised pigs we learned a great lesson about not seeing everything but still moving.
Pigs are super smart, scary smart and figure out your tricks quickly.
Pigs are big, they are close to the ground and when transporting them from the barn to the trailer you can’t let them know what you are doing.
Their eyes are on the side of their heads so you blind them by holding boards up on each side of their heads so they can’t see where they are going.
The trick with a pig is to keep them moving.
Even when they are headed the wrong direction, you don’t let them stop or you will never get them going again.
We humans are a lot like pigs.
God gives us glimpses of the direction we are to go. He leads, we follow. But He doesn’t tell us everything that’s coming or we’d get scared and stop.
I had a dream onetime and God said to me “Rick, sometimes you head in the wrong direction and I don’t stop you because I know you’ll come around, eventually.”
There’s a lot going on right now. Big changes and insecurity, for some, is at an all time high.
So they push back out of fear and listen to information designed to keep them in turmoil.
Online people are freaking out. The media is filling them full of lies and some are overreacting, failing to use their critical thinking skills but instead respond out of fear.
You and I cannot do that.
Each day pray for discernment and the ability to stand strong against evil.
Do not look too far ahead but focus on what you can do, right now, not three weeks into the future.
People will try to stop you and that’s okay. The key word is “try to” and you have the power to maintain your composure, push back and keep your vision on the truth.
No one said change would be easy but we know it’s necessary.
Have a great day.