Under The G: Garibaldi Food Court
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Just about an hour north of Pacific City in the port town of Garibaldi. It’s a cool little town like something out of a movie or good sea captain book.
We heard about a Seafood and Distillery festival the port was putting on today and drove up.
There weren’t a ton of people there, which is unfortunate because the event was fun. We tasted and purchased some great spirits and rubbing salts. The air was 72 degree’s and the sun was shining. They even had live music.
Before the event we found a food cart area right off the 101 called Under The G. The G is one of those letters painted on the hillside above the town. Right under it is six food carts (I think it is six), a restroom and an ice purchasing station.
We ate at the Country Squire Kitchen and had a chicken rice bowl that was amazing.
Back at the event we asked someone in charge how it was going. She said they didn’t get the word out soon enough. She then looked at me and said “I remember when you guys came to our office with the idea of doing a show here and helping us.”
We gave her some constructive criticism and told her to call us next year and we’d help them get the word out.
Because it really was interesting and Kathy and I had a great time.
Some people need other people to help and some want them to help. I want to be a person who wants to help.