It’s All About The “P” Word.

I follow a guy online who has the best outlook on life.
James Smith is an Australian who is a down to earth trainer.
He loves to point out the lies of the industry and trains, not so you get an eight pack, but so you get healthy and enjoy life.
Anyway, he was talking about the “P” word and it got me thinking.
The world sets us up with a “perception” of how we are supposed to act, look, react and be, but often times that perception is inflated, out of reach and a giant lie.

It happens with body image, social status and our politics.
Right now the world seems absolutely nuts.
It looks like everyone hates Trump, Elon, and the Tesla but that’s a lie.
Yes, there are folks so frustrated that things are not going their way that they are lashing out at these people and the car but in the big picture of life, it’s not that big of a deal.
Most people aren’t on a mission to destroy a car or these two men.
Yes, it’s costly, it’s nasty and it’s misplaced frustration but it’s limited to a relatively small group of wandering people.
Take a minute to step out of your house, look across the street or watch people at the market, they aren’t living in hate.
Those people are like you and me, trying to make a living, take care of our families and communities and plan for a nice vacation.
Many of us, me too, get wrapped up in the politics of the day and our perception becomes jaded by the “nasties” and the “crazies” when in fact most people think about these things a little, but have bigger, more important fish to fry.
James “P word” reminder is good for me to hear. I’m not saying what’s going on in the world is not important or that we should ignore it. We ignore too much and we lose ground and end up where we are today.
But our perception can get skewed by news feeds and horrible comments online and in all truth, I think much of the world is moving along, moving on and quietly hoping for the best.
Thanks James for the reality check.