Things Must Die

Here in Montana the ground is still cold, the flowers still silent and Spring, well who knows.
Winter is all about killing bugs, pests and things we don’t need in our lives.
What I love most about Spring is the hope it brings.
You watch as new blossoms start to form and the darkness of Winter is replaced with more sunshine and warmer days ahead.
My life is like that as well.
Kathy and I are in a season of things dying.
Aspects of our lives we used to depend on, no longer secure us.
One by one they fall away and all we can do is hope and pray for the ability to see past what is in front of us and dream for what is to come.
Out of the blue yesterday, a new opportunity surfaced, something I’d never thought of.
I won’t share more until the fog around the possibility rises giving way to more clarity.
We’ve also made a major decision to let go of some things that are blessings but are starting to become a curse.
It’s all process and part of the life of adventure we’ve chosen over living in a false sense of security.
On top of all that I met with a young man I met at our gym yesterday.
I don’t get to do that as much as I did in Oregon.
As we talked I felt a connection with God I haven’t experienced in years.
In this unfamiliar world we are in and headed deeper into, God reminded me of something old that is still here.
It was a part of me that I forgot about.
It was almost as thought the creator of the universe was reminding me of who I am and what He enjoys about me.
It was a reboot of sorts, a reminder that while things do die there are also aspects of our being God put there from the start and He has no intention of messing with them. In other words, He really enjoys the person He created in me. I felt Him smile, wink and say “now Rick, get moving.”
It was just the nudge from God I needed to secure me in my insecurity.
Yes, things must die in order for new blossoms to emerge in the Spring.
But remember, the bulb under that flower, the sprout emerging from that fruit tree, still comes from the roots of who we are and who we will always be. God makes no mistakes and while in constant change the basics of who we are, are still unique to us….and I believe He likes it that way.