What The Far Left Fails To Understand
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As I look out over the Rocky Mountains where I now live I see, not a country divided, but a nation in repair.
I remember living in Oregon I didn’t use my voice as much because the political current rushed in the opposite direction, the direction of insanity. In a place where bumperstickers claimed minds are like parachutes they need to be open, the overwhelming attitude was to shoot holes in the parachutes of the more conservative thinkers.
The insanity is everywhere, it’s showing up here with several bills 126,127and 128, funded by rich out of state super liberals who seek to take over places like Montana, as they did to Oregon.
But the left pushed too hard with COVID and I believe that pandemic infected their politics and is now eating their party alive.
The folks who claim to be anti-hate, pro-kindness and open-minded, are anything but that.
Hate is blinding their judgement and turning them into people I don’t recognize.
Our nation is built on the idea of freedom.
We can say what we want, yes there’s a price, but bottomline you aren’t supposed to be able to silence your opposition..
But over the last thirty years that changed. Fear stepped in and a ball-less media took sides.
Words lost their meaning. Lying, if you were on the so-called virtuous side, became okay and the ends justified the means come Hell or high-water.
What the far-out left fails to see is they went too far. They bit off more than they can chew and the public is starting to gag on the BS.
The rest of us are waking up and demanding that our voices be heard.
We are done with the lies, the law fare, the bullying and their hate.
Cheaters, cheat for a reason. Usually because to play fair means they lose and when you hate someone so much your vision is blinded, you will do whatever it takes.
That is what the far-out left is doing and they are driving members of their own party, and the rest of us, away from their madness.
I pray Donald Trump wins but what the hate-mongers fail to see is even if he loses they’ve lost too much ground to survive. We have been awakened and angered over their nastiness and cheating. Much of America will stand up and fight for the truth.
I think Trump will win, I really do, and please vote early, vote now and vote for truth.
But if Kamala wins the rest of us will not lay down and be still.
She’s fond of saying “We won’t go back” and on that she and I agree.
I won’t go back to your manipulation and lying.
I won’t be silenced by your hate.
I don’t care if you cancel me because your lack of credibility says everything.
You woke up a giant and that is an American public in need of the truth….and we will get it.