The Multi Colored Rising Tide Called America

There’s a rising tide in America.
It’s not red or blue it’s red, white and blue.
It’s an ocean of people who seek the truth and want our nation to pull together and become great again.
It’s not MAGA that’s a label used by opponents of the red, white and blue, to create turmoil and angst in our country.
We do want to make America great again, what’s wrong with that?
The hard left, as I am now going to refer to the, don’t want us coming together.
They don’t want us finding common ground.
Oh, they say they do but it’s a lie.
I have many left leaning friends who are coming to the middle.
They don’t love everything Trump is doing but they get it.
Our nation is broke because of the failed promises of past party loyalists on both sides, who didn’t care about balancing budgets just getting reelected and rich.
The hard left is angry, bitter and distraught after losing the last election to Donald Trump.
The Red, white and blues, see what Trump is doing and can’t believe someone is finally fulfilling their promises.
The hard left likes to make Trump out to be our king or savior, again, another label to discredit and thwart the good that’s being done.
For the hard left desperation and anger translate into absolute hysteria.
They can’t get anywhere with Trump so they’ve turned their attention to the destruction of Elon Musk, a guy they used to revere and now seek to destroy. Their irrational distain for Musk is jaw dropping and the more they push, the more people from the extremes join us in the middle.
The hard left is driving people away, and the polls show it.
Hard-lefters like to blame the low approval numbers on the idea that the Democrats are being too easy on Donald Trump or as one person told me the Dems are being too nice, give me a break. Look back over the last ten years and tell me that with a straight face.
They resort to violence because none of us are listening to them anymore we don’t care about their rhetoric.
They scramble for a leader but so far just washed up, out of touch politicians come to mind.
This morning I read Kamala Harris is their top choice for 2028, according to a new poll.
You’ve got to be kidding?
How much will they spend this time?
Apparently the hard left learned nothing and rather than listen to the American people and find something that means something to us, they keep on with the same loser messaging.
It’s easy to understand what the American people want. The Red, White and Blue seek a better economy, reject biological men playing in women’s sports and want the border, as it is now, secure. We want democracy returned, real democracy not the slogan the hard left keeps regurgitating.
We want free speech, free.
The answers are plain to see but don’t fit the hard left ideology so they scream, call names, scratch and claw.
They choose blindness over kindness. (remember when they were big on the choose kindness movement, that’s gone)
We used to recoil when they lashed out but understand now they’re not in charge anymore and besides their tactics go against everything we want in America.
The Truth is back and former Democrats, Independents, and Republicans are feeling good about the direction we’re headed.
We’ve lived in the darkness and things got worse.
Now, a fresh team of bipartisan, smart people, are in charge and appear to be working to make change.
I get notes from wonderful Democratic’s who support what’s going on right now.
They don’t like Trump all that much but sometimes results are what change minds and mend fences.
They’ve left the hard left too.
These folks don’t go public because once you go against the religion of the old guard of the Democrat party, excommunication, ridicule and destruction, follow.
So here we go.
Like all the presidents men and women, we are an eclectic group of Americans, tired of the screaming, destruction and belittling of our fellow citizens.
Silence is not an option.
Don’t yell, scream or call nasty names, that’s not how we do things.
Don’t blindly follow but research, agree to disagree and question ANYTHING that raises a red flag. Listening to the misinformation and lies is not easy but remember this too shall pass.
When something doesn’t work say it don’t act like a child.
Everyday the ridiculousness of the hard left movement tattles on itself.
You and I were made for such a time as this. So go live it well and give em hell.