The Media Machine.
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I’m ashamed to say I spent most of my life working in the legacy media.
The job of the press is to “press” and ask hard questions.
The job of the media is to present both sides of an issue or multiple sides and trust the public to make its decision.
But at some point, I think it was when Trump won the presidency, the media went bonkers.
They decided you and I can’t be trusted to make good decisions so they chose a team and have been working for that “side” ever since.
It’s embarrassing to see how obvious it is. They push and pry at one candidate and coddle the other.
It’s as though the media has become an arm of one party.
Sometimes if feels like we’re living in a bad novel of a hostile takeover of our country.
I see some of the responses on my social media and realize people are not doing their homework as they regurgitate the message the media wants them to hear.
We have a candidate, who in the past had radicle ideas that got her knocked out of the race for president.
Now, by default she’s up for the top position and her platform is one big flipflop.
To add to the craziness, the candidate who never visited the border, was put in charge of the border, now denies these facts, as does the media, but there are soundbites and records to prove otherwise.
Yet to write such things brings on the tongue of hostility from those in her camp who hate her opponent so much they could care less to dig into the truth.
Back at the media, shame on you press core you are worthless.
Your job is to seek out the truth, give both sides of a story, play fair, cover fairly and get the hell out of the way and let the people decide.
Now we have a candidate who says she is “For the People.”
Policies she and her cohort developed, that failed, she now blames on someone else, anyone else, oh and she’s going to fix them..
You had three years-plus to fix it and you haven’t.
This leads me to believe a bait and switch is at hand.
I once had faith people would see the truth when presented but that faith is gone.
We’ve all seen what vicious hate can do to blind millions.
Almost overnight they will put their hope in hollow words like Joy, Unity and Democracy when those spewing such things quietly steel them out from under us.
And where is the media with its fact checkers?
It is so focused on one man, it’s lost it’s mind and most of it’s viewers.