The Man Who Found Me
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Someone asked me “Who is your hero?”
I had to think about it for a second.
I’m not a real “hero sort-a-guy.”
Then his name came to my mind.
Harold Eastman.
Harold was my boss at Copeland Lumber Yard in Hillsboro Oregon.
I started working there right out of high school.
I worked the counter but back in those days when a customer came in you wrote them up, took the money and then loaded them up as well.
It was a stretch for me.
Believe it or not I was a rather quiet young man.
Not in front of my friends but my insecurities covered who I really was.
Harold Eastman must have seen that Rick Dancer inside and helped me bring it to the surface.
I tell the story in the video.
I don’t think Harold had a mission to bring me out of my shell.
He just did it.
I wonder sometimes that we try to plan things too much rather than give a little advice and stand back and watch.
The day I Harold retired he did tell me he thought “WE” had created a monster.
He didn’t mean it in a bad way.
What he meant was we found Rick Dancer and let him thrive, and I was good at being me.
I use the skills he brought out in my everyday and in every job I’ve ever had.
I understand how to read people, set them at ease and play with them.
Yeh, that’s the secret to my life….More play….lots more play.