Drawing Deep, Dark, Lines
I believe we as a people are being put to a test.
We’ve degraded our society so much lines need to be drawn between good and evil, truth and lies and right and wrong.
The slippery slope we created has no backbone.
Facts don’t add up.
Sweet, sappy slogans no longer hold our attention and all they have to try to hold it together now, is force. If you are asking who are “they” it might be you.
But we are American’s and force doesn’t work.
Oh, we can be sweet-talked into compliance….for awhile but the end of the rope is still the end of the rope.
I’m not a very trusting guy and I’m shocked that we let it get to this point but people are basically lazy and thrive on easy answers and we’ve been given a load of crap and seem to be finally realizing poo is poo no matter how you sugar coat it.
I believe God is drawing, deep, dark, permanent marker type lines between good and evil.
There is no room for fence sitters it’s either right or wrong…period.
Culture doesn’t like those who go agains the grain.
That’s how censorship comes into play.
Now even that control is waining so seekers of the lies will stoop to force.
We watched them successfully manipulate an entire world during the dark time.
We showed them how far we would let them go and now they will push further.
My hope is they push too hard and Democrats, Independents, Republicans and Libertarians push back.
We elect people whose tongues drip with lies and half-truths.
We’ve lowered our standards to allow ourselves to think these candidates are the best we’ve got?
God’s lines are not culturally moveable.
He does not negotiate with Sin, never has, never will.
Conditions will probably get more stupid before this is over.
That scratching of your head when you see a headline and wonder “how in the hell did we get here” won’t go away.
But the power behind the message will.
This too is gonna pass.
Unfortunately the damage done to relationships, family and right and wrong probably won’t.
Hang on because it’s far from over.
Keep your eyes open for the deep, dark, lines of God and be willing to step on the correct side.
A nice, well thought out theory. Keep in mind that all religions don't have what you call "Christian Values." Most other religions (Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.) don't accept Christ as their Savior. Therefore the term "Christian Values" should be interchanged with something like "Righteous Values." I hope you see where I'm coming from. Thoughts?
I know my opinion will not be popular with your base, Rick - but you have heard of separation of Church and State, haven't you?
I believe in God, but there are many good reasons that God and Jesus have no place in matters of Government.