Now You’re Concerned With The Law? HUH
I saw a post from someone who attended one of yesterday’s national protests and her comment said that “this is all about chaos and no law we have to be about supporting the law.”
Where were these law abiding citizens when it came to the Biden administration using law fare to try to destroy his political opponent?
What about the law that says people can’t pass into our country illegally?
What about those school districts, sanctuary cities, sanctuary states that are breaking the law by refusing to allow ICE to do it’s job and send dangerous criminals who are not supposed to be in our country, back to where they came from?
Yeh, what about those laws?
Where were these law abiding citizens when those laws were being broken.
Come on guys this just makes no sense.
Each day I get up and think “I want to write something to bring people together” but I see statements like the one above and say “I’m not going back to the habitual lies from our culture.” It’s interesting how the wrongdoers put the blame on us and can’t see their own lawbreaking.
These folks want us to check our facts but are more than happy to overlook theirs and I think an obvious majority is over it.
One of my haters wrote on my page this morning that I need to stop writing about opposing sides so people can come together. When you lost the presidency, the senate, the house, it’s easy to all of the sudden want unity isn’t it? Then she made it so that I couldn’t answer her, so typical. Let’s talk but not let you respond. Well, like most of America I’m done with the games.
The United States is more united than I’ve seen it in a long time. A majority of us are excited to see where all our money we pay in taxes is actually going. It’s not just a need it’s our right. Most of America, according to the New York Times, have priorities like fixing the economy and closing our borders. Those issues don’t even show up on the top five priorities of the democrats. What does that say? What were their priorities: Abortion, LGBTQ rights and climate change….that says out of touch with America if you ask me.
I will unite with anyone willing to listen and deal in reality. One set of facts, only one. One truth, yep no “personal truth” and we’ll have a starting place.
But before you go pointing fingers and alleged lawbreakers, look in the mirror, those may be bars you see in the background.