One of the first times I met
was shortly after losing the race for Secretary of State against Oregon's current Governor Kate Brown.
We were staying in Astoria, this was just days after the final count, and the last thing I wanted to see was a busload of Senate Democrats pull up to the hotel, across the street from the bar Kathy and I were sitting in.
Betsy and a group came in the bar, I stood up and said "leave please", they laughed and sat down with us to have a drink.
Betsy proceeded to tell me what an amazing job I had done running against Brown.
She said "that last week you scared the shit out of her she was calling everyone asking for support or you would win."
I needed to hear that at that moment.
Over the years we've talked plenty. She helped us with funding for the Senator Hatfield Documentary we produced, she'd get me in doors closed by partisan lines and she's been a true friend.
For years I've begged her to run for governor and finally she is doing it.
Betsy Johnson is the real deal.
She tells it like it is.
Oregon needs Johnson after years of corruption and lies.