Rugged Individualists, That’s My Oregon.

There are those out there in the audience who think I left Oregon because I hate it.
But you are the same people who call me a MAGA because I want someone to run the country who can still work an eight hour day.
You are the same people who try to label me an anti-vaxer when the truth is I don’t care what you do with your body and you shouldn’t give a damn what I do with mine. (my body my choice)
You publicly roasted me when I asked questions about the handling of a virus and turns out you were wrong. Oh, if you truly follow the science.
I love Oregon.
Why I left is because I was tired of being taxed and controlled by a party and its followers, who thinks it knows what’s best for everyone and in it’s arrogance and narcissism has taken over the place I was born, the place I called home, my Oregon.
I just got back from a five day trip to Southern Oregon and am reminded just how great the people in my former home state, are.
They are rugged individualists who open businesses, fail, try again and never give up.
It’s that same pioneer spirit, yes I used the Pioneer word, that built this empire (I know there’s another nasty word for the progressives). But the fact is, we wouldn’t be here without that ideal.
An ideology of apathy and weakness permeates the halls of Oregon’s legislature and executive branch.
It drips and pollutes the urban cities and populated counties.
But in rural Oregon, the hold is weak and weakening by the day.
It’s urban areas follow the leader because something that sounds good tickles the ear when everyone knows the system is broken they just can’t decide who to blame so they cuddle up to their ideology of the month.
Lawmakers spend time in our capital but fail to see the paintings on the walls that show early Oregonians were not the sort that fit in or tried to.
You had to be tough to travel by wagon to this rugged land and no one expected the government, or anyone for that matter, to help them.
Oh, my Oregon.
You have been hijacked by weakness.
But what I saw this past week is echoed throughout our country right now.
I honestly believe people are waking up to the madness and better yet, starting to speak up.
The noose is beginning to loosen.
Reality has a way of doing that.
Montana is my new home. Is it a forever home? I”m not sure Kathy and I need a cement foundation to call something our home.
Oregon, don’t let them destroy your history or take that rugged spirit from you.
Keep your independence and vote the way you wish not the way your neighbors want you to.
Stand up, look people in the eye, and speak the truth.
Because as we watch the national scene we see, the truth truly does set you free.