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Writer's pictureRick Dancer

Rethinking Social Media

Rethinking Social Media

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I’m rethinking social media.

Oh, I love the way it connects me to people, literally, all over the world.

It’s fun to see people’s vacation and watching you guys and your adventures is inspiring….but somethings wrong.

This hit me hard when I was in Florence Italy and they have these wine windows where you can go to a shop, walk up to the window and buy wine.

Back in the day it was a way to get your wine bottles filled and not get arrested.

But now it’s an Instagram/Tictok phenom.

We visited one and saw these two beautiful blonde women and their model looking boyfriend, taking all kinds of pictures of themselves at the wine window, presumably to post on their social media page.

Then we noticed the sandwich shops and gelato shops with a huge social media presence are the stores with the long lines and everyone is in that line to get a picture of themselves at the “right” gelato shop.

I scroll through Reels on social media and the new trend seems to be men doing live shows (about nothing) with their shirts off.

It’s obvious they are trying to sell their hairy chest or chiseled pecs in order to gain followers they aren’t in the business for the relationships with people.

I’ve been guilty of some of this myself(i’ve never done a bare chested live show LOL) but now am having second thoughts.

I work on social media but the fake ness of the medium is starting to annoy and repulse me a bit.

I was listening to a guy I follow who’s from Australia. He’s a real fitness coach who repeatedly blasts the hard bodied spokesmodel types and gives you straight up information about health, eating and working out.

He unpacks how these marketers scam you by trying to sell you BS and so many fall for it.

IG, FB and Tictok have become all about sales and marketing. I get asked by companies all the time to become one of their influencers and sell their products for them. I don’t want to be that guy so I don’t do it.

I like the social aspects of this media and believe if used the right way, it can really help us as people. But getting that shot at the most popular hamburger shop in Texas or painting a better than real story to make our imperfect lives look better than they are, is growing stale.

What do you think?

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1 comentario

2 days ago

Good Morning Rick

I am surprised it has taken you this long to come to this awakening. Social media, for the most part, is nothing more than an avenue for propaganda, and the pushing of products, lies, half-truths, and deceit. Just about anything is being sold or pushed by people getting paid based on how many followers they have. What happened to "truth in advertising", hell what happened to truth period? Everything has a catch; everything has a gimmick or a hook to reel you in and the people fall for it, we are all guilty. Computers, internet, and technology were going to vastly improve our lives. They have been both a kiss and a curse since their inceptio…

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