Keep Pushing Forward

Wow, I didn’t know how vile people could be when they disagree with you. Actually I did know, I see some of the nastiest, most foul language on the comment section of my social media.
It’s almost like a snake, spitting and hissing at you with words rather than an actual physical action.
These folks have a narrative, it’s “The Narrative” of the side they choose to be on.
Their tactics are tiring as they TRY to twist and turn your words with accusations as they desperately try to prove youre wrong.
Don’t get me wrong, there are some great folks out there who really want to discuss things, and we do. But like anything a small and dwindling number just can’t let go.
Remember, they are the minority and you have to remind yourself of that. Remember the latest polls show (CNN & NBC) only 27% & 29% of those polled think the Democrat party is on the right track. That means 70-some percent of us disagree with them.
What is hard to understand is why those small percentages dig in, lockdown and push harder? Why do we allow them to control the conversation? Okay, let’s stop.
There’s a whole bunch of us non-affiliated voters, Democrats, Independents, and Republicans who see the direction the current administration is going and generally agree.
We don’t like everything but are looking for the positive things and there are a lot of changes being made that we’ve heard politicians promise for DECADES but only now is someone brave enough to do.
But the noisemakers are not playing fair. They’re using the courts as their last defense to derail the process. Why is 70% allowing the 30% to control the process?
Hate is a blinding force. I’ve never seen anything like it. We can’t even have a discussion with the hardliners. Their minds are made up and like the legacy media there is no room in their worlds for compromise or letting go, they’re like a rabid animal, scraping and clawing while the world moves forward passing them by.
It’s like a school classroom where a couple of bullies ruin everything.
So what do we do? We push forward. At some point the teacher needs to get control of the classroom but in the meantime we (the 70%) work together, question everything and ignore the noise.
So, we need to stay positive, listen when we can and remind ourselves that change is tough and everything is not going to work out perfectly. We also need to discern when to pay attention to those who oppose us and when to shake off our sandals and move on.