Oregon, You Pushed Your People Too Far

Oregon, you pushed your citizens too far.
Your leaders, in their arrogance, failed to read the people’s will and followed their own folly.
The good news….the people are starting to see it and they are mad.
Someone put it this way on a recent interview we did on what the administration in Oregon is trying to do to control water rights. This viewer said “soon they will try to regulate how much air you can breathe and unfortunately, Kotek ideologues will probably vote for it.”
This started with COVID, I know there goes Rick Dancer taking about COVID again. That’s because to the critical thinker we see this as a pivotal moment when former Governor Kate Brown pushed her power beyond its borders and lost the trust of the people, the smart ones anyway. Leaders like Brown and now Kotek saw how much they could manipulate people and declared silently “game on.”
Kotek is an ideologue who refuses to understand what people think and checks the boxes of her own personal agenda and that of her parties elite….not it’s people.
So, COVID was the first place they pushed too hard.
Next on the list…..
The sneaky little fire maps.
They create fire maps to push people out of rural Oregon and into the cities. POV, They want more control over Oregonians. They promised the maps would not be used by insurance companies to raise rates….They lied and now they’ve got a huge cluster screw on their hands as many can’t get fire insurance in Rural parts of Oregon.
People are outraged.
Next, water rights. They talked of metering private wells and more regulation on how much water you can use on your own property. Oh, they didn’t expect the uproar but they got it and cowered.The bills are dead for now but everyone knows the idea is still percolating in the back alleys of the capital. They’ll be back.
(Check out this interview to learn more)
But this I think is the final straw. The appeals court says measure 114 is a go. This law gives Oregon the toughest gun laws in the country and it’s stupid and unconstitutional .Why does Oregon want control of the water, fire maps and now your guns? I can’t even come up with a reason can you? You got it.
For More on the 114 listen to our “Crazy Oregon News” segment with Bill Lundun, he lays it all out for us.
BIll Lundun on Youtube
The Democrats have a Super Majority which means Republicans have no say, basically. But the Trumps wins, I think, could become Oregon’s wins in the midterms.
My friends back home in the Democrat party are done, just like the Republicans.
Like children the party in charge is taking all it can, this session, because I think they also see the writing on the wall….their power days are numbered.
Oregon is a state of pioneers.
Not destroyers of the West (as some would like us to think) but creators of what was a beautiful state.
They got power hungry and they cheated with redistricting, vote by mail and giving power to their special interest groups and ignoring everyone else.
A new pioneer is coming, not to take over but to restore balance and fairness to Oregon.
There will be plenty of pushing and shoving, lying and cheating but the people are onto you, and you know who “you” are.
So do they.
Enjoy your power trip while it’s last because as this nation is entering a new era, so is Oregon.