Oh, Yeh, I Forgot

It’s a Monday morning.
In Montana the wind is howling 27 miles per hour.
Dark clouds are pushing overhead and my day is about to begin.
I’m scrolling my social media and thinking out loud, how did this happen? How did we get to this place?
And then I read this from a man who lived a century ago.
“Evil never surrenders its hold without a sore fight. We never pass through a spiritual inheritance through the delightful exercise of a picnic, but always through the grim contentions of the battle field.”
Dr J.H Jowell.
The current uproar in our nation is not about Democrats for Republicans it’s about good and evil.
Oh, and that good and evil comes in both parties.
A portion of our nation no longer recognizes lies and manipulation. To them truth is what they want it to be, how they feel today, what tickles the ear.
Those days are gone.
The battle we face is not against our neighbors, although the forces of darkness would like us to believe that.
It’s easier to put a face on our foe than it is to realize the invisible force that’s attacking us.
What I often forget is who is behind all of this. No, it’s not Trump or Biden or any party, the battle is being fought by our God and the tremendous evil that hates us.
That evil uses men of power and people like you and me to create turmoil and get our focus off what really matters.
Perspective is power.
When we lose it, which I do a lot, our forcefield is knocked out of commission.
This is a battle between principalities and powers of darkness….period.
Don’t forget it.
If God is for us, then who can be against us.
Be still and know that He is God but don’t be silent.