No Time To Hide
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I heard an analogy the other day about Zebra’s that I explain in the video.
There is something profound that happens when we allow ourselves to become the target of those who speak evil.
We don’t seek the position but are called to expose the lies in order to find the truth.
Many don’t understand because most people would just as soon not make waves.
But in their attempts to “keep the peace” they are opening doors to the slippery slope we find ourselves on today.
There is right and wrong. You can try to water it down and as we’ve seen it can work for a while. Sooner or later the truth rears its head and you can no longer fool yourself or those around you.
When we allow a few to stand out from the pack our weakness is exposed.
What happened on November 5th is the majority of American’s who voted, painted a big red arrow on themselves saying enough is enough.
Just that small step turned the tide. The left likes to say we think Trump is our savior. I don’t know anyone who believes that. We have a savior in Jesus Christ. What Trump is, is a tool. He’s a true leader who is not afraid of the light and has turned that light on our nation exposing a huge, festering, blister.
Together with a new outlook, new leaders, from all backgrounds, races, colors and the two genders, we will make the needed changes and drain the swamp of deception.
This is not the time to hide. This is the time to stand up, speak out and refuse to follow evil.