Never Too Old To Dream 2024
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We went to the movie “Wonka” New Years Day.
I wasn’t expecting much from it and was overwhelmed by what this film brought out in me.
It’s about Willie Wonka’s past and so well done I highly recommend it to anyone, especially children.
As Im watching the movie the kid in me comes alive.
I know it’s pure fantasy but I didn’t care, I’m having fun dreaming of what could be in a world that specializes in crushing dreams and getting us to all behave and adhere to one boring scenario.
We live amongst the mountains.
Kathy and I love to ride our bikes or climb them but it’s hard.
It seems no matter where you go, you have to go up and that means effort and work.
There are dangers in the mountains.
Grizzly Bear are a real threat.
It takes work, you have to be committed and you can’t just give up
But when you climb to the top of the mountains your vision is clearer and something in your dream center is awakened.

A mountain doesn’t have to be a physical chunk of rock.
A mountain can be a relationship, your job, getting in shape, eating right and on and on.
Humans tend to gravitate to patterns, predictability and practical.
But I want to live in experience, excitement and excellence.
I think the world wants to shutdown our ability to dream.
The best way to control people is to first scare them, then appease them, give them what they want and make them feel safe.
Life isn’t safe, it’s all a lie.
If you do those things most people see no need to climb a mountain or take the hard road since the easy path is so much more accessible.
Even in the movie, the positive, never settle for no, Willie Wonka reaches a point where he wants to give up.
His friends help him fight the cultural monsters blocking his dream.
There are a lot of reasons to give in.
Going along to get along is easier.
But God didn’t put us here to stay in life’s basement He calls us to climb to the rooftops to see all the adventure this world has to offer.
Will 2024 be just another year to get by or will we make is something great?