He Knows What’s Best For Me (Why Don’t I Remember That?)
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It’s easy for forget that God truly is guiding the ship and our lives are in His hands.
We look for certainty but find only the opposite.
The world promises comfort, He promises discomfort.
The nation is divided.
More than half of us feel tenuous hope while a good share feel anger and despair.
I read this morning “My environment is of His determining.”
He wants the most spiritual growth for me that is possible.
But my earthly eyes seem to cloud my spiritual.
It is my choice whether His path for me offends me or I accept it and move forward.
It’s hard to remember, believe, trust what we cannot see right in front of us.
What is saddest of all is in living this way we miss out on the real joy of life.
The moments meant to surprise and astound us, are washed over like rain over a gravely driveway.
They rush over us, sink into the soil below and we miss all that God had planned for us.
There’s a part of me that wonders that this next season in life, for many of us, is one of changing expectations and desires.
America has this hedonistic side and it’s ugly.
We pay no attention to each other because life is about fulfilling the lusts of my flesh.
We don’t talk with each other, community organizations are dying, the public no longer calls the shots we leave those decisions up to narcissistic politicians so they can puff up their egos and line their pockets.
I grew up with a misunderstanding that when things don’t go as planned you make them.
You are in control of your destiny and how far and where you go is up to you.
I don’t believe life is a given.
I think we have to work hard to find our lives.
But maybe the balance is where I got lost.
Maybe I need to nuzzle up to Him to find peace.
I woke up to snow this morning.
It reminded me of being a kid and the excitement I felt looking at a blanket of white covering the yard.
I don’t know what that feeling is perhaps an innocents I too often let go of.
It’s probably the beginning of joy and the road to peace.
Maybe it’s like a kiss on the cheek from God reminding me that I’m still in process.