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Letter To Eugene Teacher Angers Parents

Writer: Rick DancerRick Dancer

"Hello Everyone -



Today, with little rest or time for reflection, we return to our schools, coworkers, and students after a divisive national election season.



With the re-election of President Trump, emotions will be at the surface across our community. The 2024 election has stirred strong feelings. As many in the country celebrate, so will many supporters here in Eugene. We also have many people in our schools and community who are feeling concern, trepidation, fear, and anger over the results. Please take time to breathe today. Care for yourselves, and strive to provide additional grace to one another.



Most of our students will return to school today. Even in divided times, maybe even more in divided times, our students rely on the routine of school, the steadfastness of the adults in our system, and the love we provide to them each and every day. It may be harder for some staff to be at work today, but this is a moment when some students will come to school with more uncertainty, more fear than yesterday - thank you for stepping forward for our students.



The tension and an anxiety many will carry today is not unfounded. The President-Elect has stated that we will deport legal and illegal immigrants. He has stated that he will eliminate the U.S. Department of Education. He has spoke out against, marginalized, belittled, and/or intimidated immigrants, people of color, people with disabilities, people with LGBTQ2SIA+ identities, women, the media, Democratic Party members, people of Muslim faith, and others he disagrees with. When someone with such enormous power and responsibility willingly targets whole classes of people in this way; the weight, fright, and dread some will carry today and into the future is founded and requires no explanation.



As educators and caregivers, we carry the honor and heavy responsibility of creating safe, welcoming spaces where students learn from one another’s experiences. Even when lives and views differ, we encourage conversations grounded in empathy and respect. Our work may have become more difficult today and in future days, but our commitment to each other—and to each student—is to maintain classrooms that are welcoming, balanced, and supportive.



Our schools will be safe and inclusive places for all. Harassment, discrimination, and any behavior that targets others based on their race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, immigration status, or socioeconomic status are not acceptable in the Eugene 4J School District.



Our public schools are places of shared learning. For learning to be successful we must lean into the core values of safety, care, and inclusion. Students cannot learn if they, their families, or our staff feel unsafe. Our students are children, they need to know we care for them, and that we love them for exactly who they are. Our public schools are for everyone - full inclusion, full stop.



We must strive to overcome implicit bias in ourselves and the institutional racism and bias that is embedded in our system and structure to fully include each and every student.



We welcome every member of our community - every child, family member, and educator. We honor all backgrounds, all identities, and all stories. Our role is to provide an environment where every student can express themselves freely and respectfully. Together, let us continue building a district where students feel empowered, understood, resilient, and appreciated for who they are.



Thank you to each of you who make our district a caring and inclusive community. Let us move forward together, building a district that reflects the very best of our shared humanity. In doing so, we create a future where all our children can thrive. We are community and will be here for one another, today and every day.


Thank you,

Colt Gill

(he, him)

Interim Superintendent

Eugene 4J School District"



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