Just Tell Us The Truth
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I think most of us, well more than half anyway, are tired of being lied to.
What the vote November 5th was saying is “We are done.”
Everyone knew President Biden would pardon Hunter, his son.
But still he lied to us and said publicly that he would not.
Does that make you mad or are you okay with it?
It should make you mad.
It’s almost become normal, certainly acceptable, for politicians, stars and public figures to lie.
We John Q Public almost expect it.
How many times, when having this discussion, has someone said to you “all politicians lie” as if it’s somehow acceptable?
I remember a few decades ago, quite a few, when politicians and other high profile liars had to resign over a lie.
Lying is not a partisan sport, politicians on the right do the same thing but that doesn’t make it okay.
A lie coming from the left or right or the middle is still a lie.
The definition of lie is: : to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.
I honestly believe We the public were lied too so boldly during the pandemic some of us will never trust a politician, medical expert or government officials for as long as we live.
I recently found myself at a new doctor telling him I would not be taking vax X or shot this or that when a few years ago I would have gladly signed on. I’m not saying he was lying about what he saw as the truth but I do my own research and don’t trust his expertise because I’m knowledgeable and no longer have wool over my eyes. Lying to someone repeatedly will do that.
Lack of trust is not a bad thing. We need to understand for ourselves what things mean.
We need to be discerning.
My prayer is we will no longer allow lies to be shoved under the rug.
Let’s require a new standard of proof from this next administration so that even an exaggeration is seen as a lie.
Trump, is famous for stretching the truth and I don’t like it.
Just give us the truth and we’ll figure it out.
It’s up to us to demand standards.
When you don’t look what happens.