What Is It About January 28th

Remember I told you God has this thing about dates with me?
Last night I was scrolling on Facebook and found this section that takes you back to all the postings on a certain day.
Up popped a flood of memories and a realization that God had zapped me with another day.
January 28th.

On January 28th of 2022 Kathy and I packed everything we own into a 26 foot U haul and a 12 foot trailer. We were leaving our home, leaving the state I was born in, the place we built our lives, raised our kids, all of it… to find a new life in Montana.
Never would we have dreamed the experiences we’d have, the ups, the downs and everything in between.
We knew we’d miss our friends and we do. We knew life in a new place would be challenging but never did we guess, this challenging.
But we were together, just the two of us, and we still are.

I kept scrolling on my screen to see other posts from January 28th and it hit me. The 28th of January 2010 is the day I sat at our kitchen bar in Oregon waiting for the doctor to call me and tell me I had cancer. I knew the call was coming because when I talked to the nurse she said I’d have to talk with the doctor. The five other times I had biopsies that turned out to be negative, she just told me the answer, so I knew.

That also was a life changing event with highs, lows and some middle of the road moments.
As I sit here and think of all God has brought us through I’m grateful but it also makes me sad. I’m reminded how difficult life is and how the paint-by-numbers view we come up with in our minds never quite fits.
It is January 28th again, and again we sit at a fork in our road. I read in scripture that God provides and I believe it, He always has. But it’s also difficult to let go of control while the vehicle of life is still rolling.
When the moments of concern put that slight gasp in my lungs I remind myself, my life is in His hands.
I guess that’s what living an adventurous life is supposed to be…a surprise .