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It’s weird a few months ago being weird seemed to be the fashionable thing to be.
Now it seems weird is not a term of endearment but a word used to demean your opponent.
I personally strive to be weird.
I can’t help it, I’m just weird that way.
I don’t want to be like everyone else.
When I was younger I tried and failed so many times one day I realized how weird I was and now sticks and stones make me feel alive.
Weird huh.
I can’t tow the company line or try to fit in.
I used to read this book called “You are Special” to school kids all over Lane County.
The book was about finding yourself, I guess you could say it was about being okay with your weird.
While a portion of the world get’s all weirded at on the weirdness of other I think you and I should celebrate
our weirdness and work harder at being weird.
What’s really weird is that we live in a time when weirdness is questioned.
So many things going on in the world and some are still concerned with our weird.
Stay weird, weird is where you find true JOY.