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Writer's pictureRick Dancer

Head Into The Wind

Head Into The Wind

Sponsor CrisDental Family Dentistry & Denture Center

When the winds pick up birds, rather than surfing the air and risk getting beat to death, they head directly into the wind.

You see when you head into wind and have a pair of wings, you are driven upward and over the storm.

I’m told planes do the same thing.

As I ponder my latest challenge I’m tempted to duck and cover in an attempt to ride out the storm.

But instead I think my maker would have me turn and face the storm so the turmoil will lift me up higher and out of the path of destruction.

I saw a movie over the weekend about a guy who diligently worked every day but let his work control him.

I don’t want to be that guy.

I don’t want unseen forces to control me like a puppet master pulls the strings of a toy.

We live in precarious times.

Culture would like us to stop thinking, panic and do the safe thing.

But you and I are not part of this culture in fact we reject it and instead seek the truth.

I saw someone write on social media the other day “there is no personal truth” and I wanted to applaud.

“Personal Truth?”

Wow, that’s a liars paradise isn’t it?

The thing causes me to scratch me head the most is those who accept this attempt at a great reset.

What gives me a tiny, unnoticeable smile is often time God turns the table, implements the great reset but it’s not what anyone had planned.

I was reading about those who walk around all worried and “Cast Down.”

We are not to worry because it gives evil the power of the wind.

We are not to duck and cover but instead ride into the storm and let God push us high into the Heavens.

I was driving home from Helena yesterday and the video up top was my view.

I came to Montana for my own personal great reset and I must assume the storms and valleys are designed to bring that about.

Lift you head, look at what’s coming and rise……

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1 Comment

Feb 07, 2023

Guess it is the same in maritime storms. Point the bow into the storm and ride the waves with Jesus as captain of the ship

God says I the great I AM and in the midst of the storm I will deliver you from it, through it or to Myself by it. - M

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