The Melody of Our Lives
If we look at our lives like a song, a melody or a great performance, we must remember that all good arraignments make room for a rest.
A melody moves along at a pace and then all of the sudden there comes “the rest.”
The same is true when speaking. People are so afraid of dead air when often times those pauses……………..cause the audience to sit up and take notice. But rests, pauses and dead air can be very uncomfortable.
It feels like my life is going along okay, then something good happens and almost instantaneously, the balance of something bad tries to rob me of the joy.
Lately it’s been relentless, almost comical accept it’s my life.
Something is given to me and moments later something is taken away.
It happens so often I’m almost getting used to it.
I was reading in “Streams in the Desert” this morning where it talks about how “the rest” adds so much to a melody. It creates drama, a pause, a place for the audience to lean forward and pay attention.
God does the same thing in our lives. He is trying to get us to notice something about his character or maybe it’s something about us that He’s trying to point out. The rest doesn’t mean we are doing something wrong, necessarily, that’s kind of what I learned in church and it’s hard to shake.
If only I could look at the “rest” as part of the melody, not something wrong.
What if we start playing the song just to play the song? You know, we fail to hear the lyrics or miss out on the ups and downs of a melody.
I thought when I hit 65 I would not be dealing with these kinds of educational moments…..I was wrong.
My song and your song are eternal so why would we think fine tuning them would not last a lifetime.
If our lives are to be a sweet sound in God’s ear I guess we need to hand over the tuning fork and let Him have His way with us. He is the conductor and understands how our tone blends with those around us to make a choir unlike anything man has ever experienced.
I must remember to take the rest…..and maybe sometimes………..allow…..it…..to……..be……………..uncomfortable.