Overwhelmed With Change

We’re used to hearing promises made and promised broken so it’s no wonder some of us are in a state of shock over how quickly President Trump is cracking the whip and taking care of some of our nations big and little problems. These are things that have been adding up for years but not making any sense when exposed.
I remember a day when weekends were pretty quiet in the news cycle but not anymore.
Trump is going at warp speed to both get ahead of his foot draggers who are trying to slow him down and get as much done in the next four years as he can.
His popularity is soaring as Democrats quietly back away from their party and the rest of us realize the penalty for supporting a president who is actually doing what he said he’d do, amounts to nothing more than hard feelings as those who disagree name call.
That’s all they have because what the president is doing not only makes sense is shakes up the Washington Elite.
Both parties have made shambles of our system, our courts, our government and the values and morals all these things were founded on.
What I’m learning from the president is the old “sticks and stones” thing. It’s almost as though the nastiness fuels Trump.
He knows he has the backing of much of the country as polls show dwindling support for his opposition. They have few ideas that even line up with what most Americans want.
We want ideas. We want change. We’re tired of being lied to and most of all we want action not excuses. Trump opponents can say what they want but they can’t, in any sense of honesty, ignore that this president has done more in 50 days than his predecessor did in his entire term.
I can’t remember any president upturning the tables of corruption with ideas that are out of the box and appear to be working.
For a guy who’s lived through so much hate from his attackers many of us can’t help but admire his “Who gives a damn” attitude when it comes to his opposition and their constant picking.
As more of my friends quietly step from the ‘Never Trump” camp to the “Let’s Make Change” group, the divide grows more narrow.
We’re tired of the weaponization of everything and instead seek solution based ideas. We don’t want to listen to the “Debbie Downers” but prefer public debate that ends with us still being friends.
The tide turned. We can work together or you can keep clawing and scratching at everything the new administration is doing. Oh, we aren’t saying we shouldn’t question…..we should always question but when a group of people tries to use fear to control us or manipulate the facts, it’s time to walk away.