Destruction & Reconstruction

Whether it’s relationships, our attitude, or our culture, in order to truly progress, bits and pieces of what’s getting in the way need to be destroyed.
You can’t build a house unless you rip up the ground to make way for a strong foundation.
When building a relationship, patterns and problems you bring to the mix often times need to be destroyed so you can reconstruct and build a more firm partnership.
The same thing is true of our nation. We had a firm foundation poured out for us by our forefathers almost 250 years ago. But over the years political types have stretched and torn apart the original intent of that document and our country has suffered greatly for that.
It is my belief, and the belief of many in our nation that reconstruction is needed or we’re toast. The constitution does not need to be destroyed but instead we must recalibrate the warped interpretation of judges, lawyers, congressional types and both major party leadership.
They have twisted the meaning of this document to line their pockets with pennies and power.
I was hiking with my wife yesterday and to be truthful I was feeling pretty miserable about the world.
I hate the terms left and right and wish we had a better description.
Progressive is far from true and MAGA is the other extreme.
I’m a guy who uses his God given discernment to think in terms of common sense.
That isn’t easily covered in a current label but that’s who I am and there are a lot of us.
It saddens me to see our country so torn apart.
Despite what some of you accuse me of, I don’t think I’m always right and you are always wrong. I hear your comments that I need to be more balanced but for decades I and those who think like me, tried to get along and from my POV you took advantage of that, pushed your agenda, and never tried to compromise. You used culture, political correctness and now woke ideology, to try to silence us.
Now, I see a leader who I feel is moving in the right direction and all of the sudden it’s time for ME to bend again, in the name of getting along?
I see some of you talking like Trump is the end of the world when a whole lot of us finally see a leader who understands the destruction needed so that reconstruction can happen.
I don’t want the Democrat party to fall apart, a one party system is the worst thing that can happen to America.
But from my POV, after all that’s been done to try to silence people like me, to come to me now and expect me to be all open to compromise says a lot. Where were you 5, 10, 20 years ago?
Did you listen to us when you held the cards?
Did you hear our concerns when you owned the power?
Now we have a force that understands what we are talking about and is actually doing something about it.
Oh, and we actually believe the current team at the top is, for the most part, moving in the right direction.
I’m all for working together but that’s not gonna happen if you keep trying to throw us and the current administration under the bus.
That doesn’t work anymore.
The name calling, labeling and stretching has outlived its effectiveness.
We saw where that got our nation during COVID!
Look at the game plan and decide how you can add to rather than take away from the plan.
That’s called working together.
A lot of Americans are excited for a new direction and we do understand it will take a rocky road to get there.
It would be nice if we could ride on the same bus.
Trump is doing such a great job?? That's laughable. This lady actually tells the truth: