My Accountant Is Stealing From Me?
Digging ourselves out.
Let’s say I hire a new accountant who discovers my former accountant was spending my money in places I had no idea even existed.
Would you be pissed at the former accountant or the guy who exposed the thief?
What if there were all these issues like affordable housing, better access to healthcare and reducing inflation, that were important to you an your neighbors, but you discovered, rather than taking billions of dollars to fix these real problems, your money was secretly being sent all over the world to allegedly spread a social agenda.
Would that be okay with me?
I understand when someone or a group ideology is found with its hand in the cookie jar, like a trapped animal, the creature will do anything to save itself, even chew off its leg.
But what you and I are witnessing right now is unbelievable.
All these issues folks tout as important are being ignored and the money used to do things, behind our backs, that we did not approve.
But here’s the real clincher, those folks are blaming the guy who found the lies, who found the golden calf, rather than the system and people that allowed it to happen.
Oh, and to make it even crazier, they are going to the courts to try to shut him down. They are trying to protect the thieves.
And then, listening to the liars who took our money, as they spin a new story to get us off track and put our focus on the guy who is digging up the dirt rather than the process created to allow this to happen.
It really is nuts. But we don’t have to be nutty. We don’t need to be vengeful but we do need to stand up and allow the draining of the swamp to continue.
Oh, you will create enemies but that’s not on you, that’s their choice.
They will claim you are stirring up trouble, that’s a lie. The trouble was stirred the moment they started giving our money away and doing their diabolical deeds.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.
The garbage Elon has found so far is from one group, one.
As we look out over Washington D.C. we see a city of corruption and manipulation. You can smell the stench created when panic sets in and right now it smells bad.
It’s okay, it’s just the sound of exposure, and the screaming is just part of the process.
This to shall pass.
The Truth sets us free.