He’s Waiting For His Reflection
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Life can suck sometimes.
You wake in the middle of the night with a feeling that you are being crushed by circumstances that are out of your control.
There is a lot going on in the world right now.
It’s not the big things that push hardest for me it’s the small things that start to pile up.
I trust God but sometimes it feels like He is so distant and I am but a spot on the planet.
I need a breath of fresh air.
You know, a new vision for my life and all I seem to find when I wake is the same sense of uncertainty.
When you hit 65 and you aren’t ready to retire, finding purpose is not easy.
I need a fresh perspective, something to light a fire under my ass that gets me off the merry-go-round I find myself stuck on.
I used to read this devotional call “Streams in the Desert.”
I picked it up this morning and read something about how God seeks to perfect us and knows the value of the refiner’s fire.
When creating the finest metals such as gold or silver, the refiner leaves the fire on to remove impurities called dross.
He knows not to leave the fire on too long but just long enough so he can look into the molten metal and see His reflection.
I find most of my dross is of my own making.
The impurities that trap me come from laziness or patterns established long ago.
Most are born out of insecurities, selfishness and one other thing I don’t care to mention here.
The thought of “Doing this again” (digging into my life) makes me recoil.
I think to myself and now out loud, “Do we really have to do this again?”
God is patient, kind, forgiving and serious about the end product.
How we get there is important but seeing me the way He meant for me to be is what matters most.
I heard a guy talking about surviving “The Fire.”
He said you need to look at the flames without fear.
Don’t focus on the burns you might get but on the idea that this is where you need to be.
Understand the heat won’t kill you and then humbly step in.
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