So Many Exciting Things Happening

Every day it seems another change coming from the new administration at the White House.
I know it stresses some of you out and right now I’m tempted to say “and I get it” but if the truth be known, I don’t. I don’t understand it at all.
Hey, we all get different information and tend to focus on what we see as solutions. We have different opinions because we come from such diverse backgrounds and interests. But some of what I read and hear from folks who dislike Trump borders on blindness. Yes, that’s my opinion.
Where I see the Trump administration as being open and transparent, you see the exact opposite. Where I see moving through the process quickly as the best way to break the dam, some of you prefer a slower process. I think if we don’t move quickly the muzzle of bureaucracy will embrace us as it always has and quickly choke the life out of any change as it strives at self preservation.
As happens in any business, cuts and changes may go too far but can always be reversed. What can’t be reversed is momentum and in private business, waiting for a study is just another way of killing progress.
I see Trump and his administration as one that is working for the American people and some of you see it as an authoritarian regime out to destroy the things you like. From my place of thinking, that authoritarian regime you worry about, you helped implement for the past four years and to me that sounds so hypocritical.
Right now it’s like we are back on the playground in elementary school and no one wants to play nicely together.
For those of us who like the direction we are going, it’s like finally we got a playground monitor who identifies the bullies on the playground, calls them out and restores law and order to the landscape.
I don’t think Trump is right about everything but I do think the guy has an inside, first hand understanding, at how our courts, regulations, political and social fabric was being ripped to shreds by bullies who refuse to practice what they preach, and give voice to those who want some new rules.
What some of you don’t understand, because you had the platform for so long is, you don’t own compassion, kindness and you certainly have lost the narrative.
You can only lord over culture and its people for so long before something breaks, and something broke and is now being fixed.
At some point we’re going to have to talk again. Blocking or unfollowing each other is a temporary act but if we are to survive this you and I are going to have to make room for each other at the table.
In the meantime, we’re probably not going to backdown because we see too much headway. We’ve seen what decades of decay can do and while you stay with your fork in the road, most of America seem ready, willing and proving able to risk it all to choose the road less traveled.